Great Doncaster Lesstival 2024
Organisations and communities across Doncaster are being invited to consider steps to reduce consumption, reduce household expenditure, and provide people with practical skills this November.
The event forms part of a month-long campaign across Doncaster, labelled the “Great Doncaster Lesstival,” which will look to celebrate the skills and resources that exist across the city which help lower consumption.
The month-long campaign will highlight skills and resources which supports everyone to make things last longer or help reduce household expenditure and was borne from analysis of a recent consultation where residents were asked what the most important actions society could take to reduce the impacts of climate change.
Residents in Doncaster have told us that their priority when it comes to climate action is reducing their consumption and household expenditure. The Great Doncaster LESStival will target this priority, highlighting not just what Doncaster already does to target using less, but what the next steps are to how we can reduce even more. For example, making the items we buy and use last longer and understanding how to save energy around the home.
Creating a cleaner, greener, and healthier city is one of our big five priorities. This priority will need everybody to help it become a reality, that is why we have listened to public feedback and acted on an area which is important to many people and will have so many positive consequences, from less reliance on harmful materials to more monthly finances for residents to spend elsewhere.
Interested in putting on an event or activity? Let us know!
About the Climate Action Campaign Micro-Grant
This grant is available to the following groups in Doncaster, whether constituted or not:
- Not-for profit voluntary or community organisations
- Registered charities
- Faith-based organisations
- Not-for profit companies, community interest companies or social enterprises
The grant can be used for any activity, event, or project that aims to support households to reduce their consumption, whether this be material or fuel. It could be a one-off event or a number of activities that take place throughout the month. The project/activity does not need to directly reduce consumption in its delivery, but you should be able to demonstrate how it supports consumption reduction in the future – for example a course giving people the opportunity to develop life skills around repair of items may result in the reduction of waste in the future.
Other examples may include:
- Story-telling sessions
- Dramatic/musical productions
- Upcycling arts and crafts sessions
- Repair workshops
- Community tool-sheds
- Bikeability sessions
- Independent travel training
- Community growing / seed sharing
- Waste reduction solutions for sporting/recreation events
The list is endless!
We are open to fund a variety of activities and costs as part of this grant and welcome creativity; we love to hear about all the different and unique activities that you provide to the community throughout the year and look forward to hearing how you would like to use this micro-grant. Community activities must begin during November 2024, and funds must be spent by 28th February 2025.
Up-to £300 may be available to help put on an event.
Guidance notes:
- Guidance Notes - GDL Microgrant
- Download (393KB - DOCX)
Application form:
- Application Form - GDL
- Download (160KB - DOCX)